Britt Gow received the ‘Secondary Teacher of the Year’ award in the Victorian Education Excellence Awards in 2013 and the prestigious ‘Lindsay Thompson Fellowship’ award in 2014. Britt has taught at a small, rural school in South-West Victoria for the past 12 years, but has shared her work globally using blogs, wikis and other social media. Visit her blog at

5 total results
Teacher's bookshelf: Helping underperforming students
Teacher's bookshelf: Helping underperforming students

STEM specialist teacher Britt Gow reviews a book that provides research-based strategies for helping underperforming students.

Teacher's bookshelf: June 2015
Teacher's bookshelf: June 2015

Britt Gow recently read two books - one by Carol Dweck and the other by John Geake. Here, she elaborates on why she thinks they are worthwhile to a teacher’s professional learning.

Teacher's bookshelf
Teacher's bookshelf

Britt Gow gives Teacher the lowdown on two books that she believes will change the way you teach.

Modelling the molecule of life
Modelling the molecule of life

Modular kits can help students in the science classroom understand molecules, processes and forces that cannot be seen. Here, educator Britt Gow reviews a few ready-made kits.

Showing you where to look, not what to see
Showing you where to look, not what to see

Britt Gow reviews the Dino-lite handheld digital microscope and explains how it complements the science curriculum at her school.