Winter has a way of incessantly reminding single people that they are… well, single. From the constant loop of songs that romanticize how wonderful it is to spend the holiday season with a significant other, to the whole production that is Valentine’s Day, the cold months have us believing that in order to enjoy the season, you have to have a plus one. But as an introvert with Seasonal Affective Disorder who has been cuffed for one singular winter in her entire life, I’ll be the first to say that this season is actually all about romancing yourself. After all, a cold winter day is the perfect time for extra self-care.
Consider this your reminder that enjoying the winter months doesn’t need to be done mitten-in-mitten—at least not the whole time. There is just as much fun to be had solo. Ahead, I’m sharing 12 solo date ideas for the wintertime that you’ll be glad you added to the calendar.
1. Make a meal with seasonal winter ingredients
Yes, summer and fall get all of the hype for delicious seasonal fruits and vegetables, but you can still cook seasonally outside of harvest season. Fill your cart with root vegetables like potatoes, beets, and carrots, as well as cruciferous veggies, like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Then, get creative in the kitchen and turn all of these ingredients into a delicious, wintery meal for one. Not only will eating seasonally make you feel physically great, but making a date out of cooking a seasonal meal makes a regular weeknight dinner much more fun. Light a candle, play your favorite tunes, and sip your favorite beverage to romanticize the night.
2. Take a bubble bath
A solo date idea that is luxurious as hell, doesn’t require leaving the house when it’s frigid, and is free? Consider me booked and busy. Sure, you can draw a bath any time of the year, but there is something extra cozy about it in the wintertime. Take advantage of a chilly night in by setting up the perfect bubble bath environment. Start by pouring yourself your favorite drink (wine, Olipop, Diet Coke), setting up a laptop so you can watch a movie, and lighting a candle. Oh, and don’t forget to put your phone on DND.
3. Spend a day reading in a coffee shop or library
I’ve spent many chilly winter weekend days curled up with a book, and that’s because it’s one of my favorite solo date ideas. Having a little extra time to do a classic introvert activity like reading is one of the highlights of winter, but the thing that can take this up a notch is simply taking your book to a location that is not your apartment. Head to a new cozy coffee shop or even to a library near you (you know, the one branch in your city that’s extra pretty inside) and just sit and read for a day. The best part? Low-cost (or completely free!) date ideas like this one can be on your regular rotation for how you choose to spend your self-care time this winter.
4. Take a hot girl walk in the snow
If you live in a place where it does snow, you should be taking advantage of it! Whether taking a walk in the snow literally means strapping on a pair of snowshoes for you, or means strolling around city streets, getting out there in a winter wonderland at least once this year is definitely worth your while. It’s a great way to be the main character and romanticize your life while simultaneously getting in some good movement and outdoor time during the chilliest season. Throw on your favorite podcast, put on your favorite scarf, and get out there.
5. Go to a sex shop or lingerie store
Yes, you heard me right! The sheer exposure therapy of going to a sex shop by yourself is reason enough to go. While it may be scary at the moment (especially if you’ve never been to one before), you’ll walk out the door feeling like the hottest, most mysterious girl on the planet. Purchasing something is not required for a solo date like this one—although getting yourself a little something sexy to tuck away in your nightstand is never a bad idea.
6. Take yourself ice skating
This is that classic winter activity that you always picture doing with a partner, but instead, why not do it yourself? No matter where you are, it’s likely that there’s a skating rink somewhere near you that you have yet to take full advantage of. Bundle up in your cutest winter accessories and enjoy the sheer physical activity of ice skating on a chilly afternoon. Personally, none of my pals have expressed interest in going ice skating with me this year, but I will be going, so I’m excited to circle the rink solo and end the day by treating myself to a cup of hot cocoa.

7. Get a massage
Something we all could use a little more often in our lives is a spa day. What better way to unwind and relax after a chilly day than with some hot stones and towels? Just the thought of it makes me feel more relaxed. Whether you go for the hot stones or deep tissue massage (it hurts so good!), book yourself for a day of relaxation and have that masseuse knead all the stress and worries right out of you. You’ll leave feeling refreshed and at peace, and maybe a bit more in tune with your own body. Trust me, this will be one of your favorite solo date ideas that you’ll come back to again and again.
8. Go to a movie theater
When it comes to solo date ideas that you can do today without any prior planning, this is the perfect choice. Chances are that you might have at least one movie night blocked into your plan for the week, so why not make a true date out of it and take yourself to an actual movie theater? This solo date is extra satisfying in the wintertime since it’s a respite from the chilly weather. Plus, some of the best movies of the year come out in the winter, so there’s bound to be something in theaters worth taking yourself on a solo date to go see. Get yourself your favorite movie theatre treats and enjoy an hour and a half of peace.
9. Take a pottery class
I’m not a pottery master (I don’t even know one!), but there’s something so zen about strapping on an apron. Whether you’re a total beginner or have tried your hand before, pottery classes are a great way to spend some much-needed time with yourself. The clay on your hands will keep you off your phone, which is self-care in and of itself, and all the creative decisions are fully up to you. Schedule this date idea in your calendar, make a relaxing playlist, and get to work on a vase or a bowl or a teacup! Whatever you craft, proudly display it in your home (lumps and all) once it’s done. It can serve as a reminder that good things come from romanticizing your alone time.
10. Take yourself to a fancy dinner
If everyone who’s in a relationship is hitting up fancy restaurants, why shouldn’t you? Sure, going out all alone to a nice dinner might be a bit intimidating at first, but thankfully, you have all season to check this off of your solo date ideas bucket list. Make a reservation, order yourself a nice drink, make conversation with the bartender (or don’t!), bring a book, and get dressed up in an outfit that makes you feel good. Act as if it is a special occasion, and it will be even more enjoyable.
11. Go to the craft store
Maybe your previous pottery class inspired you, or maybe you’re just ready to take on some new hobbies. Either way, the options are nearly endless at the craft store—seriously, I could spend hours in there dreaming up projects. Take a trip to your nearest store to inspire some creativity and maybe even a new passion project. I personally love a paint-by-numbers kit and can’t help but buy one every time I take myself on this solo date. With endless aisles of DIYs, materials, and craft kits, you’re sure to find something that sparks an interest. The best part? Craft stores almost always have coupons in rotation, so you can pick up some supplies for your next solo date night in, even if you’re on a budget.
12. Get a pedicure
Now I know what you’re thinking—a pedicure in winter? But yes, I mean it! This is a solo date idea that I personally take myself on even more often in the winter months. Despite being covered up, your toes absolutely deserve a little attention year-round. Plus, a hot foot bath and leg massage are a perfect way to warm up. Dedicating this time and attention to yourself is a great self-care practice. The bonus points? Since your toes are mostly covered, you can pick whatever crazy or unique color you want.

Emma Ginsberg, Former Editorial & Podcast Assistant
Emma is a writer, editor, and podcast producer who created at The Everygirl beginning in 2021. She wrote for all sections on the site, edited the Entertainment and Community sections, and helped produce The Everygirl Podcast. You can listen to her with podcast host Josie Santi on the intros of The Everygirl Podcast and read her articles across the site.

Jenna Piotrowicz, Editorial Assistant
Jenna began working as an Editorial Assistant for The Everygirl in 2024. With her eye for detail, she assists the team with content creation, sourcing products and images, and works behind the scenes to support The Everygirl in uploading and updating content.