Healthy Living

The 75 Hotter Challenge Helps You Prioritize Self-Care and Change Your Life in 75 Days

a challenge all about self-care? that's hot.
75 hotter challenge"
75 hotter challenge
Graphics by: Aryana Johnson
Graphics by: Aryana Johnson

I never saw myself as “hot”; I don’t fit the stereotypical Paris Hilton “that’s hot” description circa 2003. But in 2025, the girls are redefining “hot,” from an adjective used to define worth based on society’s perspective of physical appearance to a term of empowerment, self-confidence, and badassery (see: Megan Thee Stallion‘s Hot Girl Summer). The term “hot”—once bestowed upon a select elite by others based on societal standards—has officially undergone a makeover (it’s about time). Today, achieving “hot girl” status is not about fitting into a box but rather an internal vibe and confidence that any woman can channel to empower themselves from the inside out. Hotness has nothing to do with how you look or the opinions or expectations of others; hot girls are innately hot, exuding confidence and a carefree attitude (see: “hot girl sh*t”).

Case in point: Jade Brandt, the creator of the “75 Hotter” challenge. A twist on the rigid and extreme 75 Hard program that’s promoted as a way to “build mental toughness,” 75 Hotter substitutes its restrictive, no-mercy criteria with a much gentler method that includes socialization, eating more protein and greens, and positive self-talk. A challenge that is like 75 Hard, but “for the girls.” “Growing up, I never felt hot—I felt like I didn’t look like these ‘hot girls,'” Brandt told Well+Good. “Now, it’s like something from within… I just want people to feel empowered. That’s the vibe I want to cultivate.” Read on for everything you need to know about the 75 Hotter challenge, including my take on it.


Jade Brandt 

Jade Brandt is an Austin-based content creator and creator of the “75 Hotter” challenge.

What is 75 Hotter?

When Brandt tried 75 Hard in 2023, she couldn’t wait until it was over. She liked the premise of the challenge, but it wasn’t sustainable; for one, she refused to commit to doing two workouts a day for the rest of her life (it’s so not necessary). And she found the punishment factor of having to start over on day one if you slipped up unmotivating, even making her live in fear. So she set out to create her own spin with actual lasting lifestyle changes that she could take with her after the 75 days were completed. In Brandt’s own words, the goal of the 75 Hotter challenge is to “feel hotter from the inside out and outside in.” Here’s the breakdown:

Source: Jade Brandt

To summarize, the challenge includes 75 days of these core habits:

  1. Walk 10,000 steps per day
  2. Eat protein and greens at each meal
  3. Hydrate
  4. Do a “closing shift” in your home every night
  5. Intentionally connect with a friend every week
  6. Drink alcohol mindfully
  7. Create a workout and recovery schedule
  8. Do aesthetic/fun self-care weekly
  9. Track progress with photos that reflect state of mind—not just looks
  10. Practice positive self-talk

In a TikTok video, Brandt expressed that 75 Hotter has the mental and physical health benefits of a challenge like 75 Hard, but with added components like a focus on your home and friendships. There’s also the additional habit to keep you motivated until you start seeing your efforts pay off. “Sometimes, it can be a little defeating when you’re doing your steps, you’re doing your protein, you’re doing your water, you’re doing your workouts, and you’re like, ‘Where are the results on my body?‘” she said. Hence, she added the habit of treating yourself to a spray tan, manicure, or sheet mask weekly—anything that helps you feel hotter outwardly to keep you motivated.

As for why it’s called 75 Hotter? She told Well+Good that she feels “hotter” when she has a routine and sticks to it, connects with friends, and does something that makes her feel pampered. Hotness is about being self-possessed and confident, which she hopes her 75 Hotter challenge translates into for her followers.

My Verdict

Challenges aren’t for everyone, but if having a structure to work from keeps you accountable and motivated, you’ve come to the right place. 75 Hotter ticks the pillars of wellness without being daunting, too demanding, or unrealistic. When we think of maintaining our well-being, typically nutrition and fitness first come to mind. But the 75 Hotter challenge also incorporates social connection, self-care, and positive self-talk to round out a holistic approach to health (because they’re equally impactful as how you physically treat your body).

That said, if you have perfectionist tendencies (same), 75 Hotter (like any challenge) can bring up high expectations, self-criticism, and disappointment if you don’t make good on all the steps. But, unlike 75 Hard, there’s no rule saying you have to follow numerical goals perfectly and go back to square one if you don’t. TikTokers are making tweaks according to their own goals, and Brandt is all for it. If 10,000 steps are a far cry from what you normally do, swap that goal for whatever number is more aligned with your fitness preferences or lifestyle (think: adding 2,000 steps to your daily average). In your eyes, do progress photos do more harm than good? Use a journal or the Notes app to track how you feel each day, taking the focus off of what you look like on the outside. After all, the 75 Hotter challenge is beyond appearance, what others think of you, or what social conventions dictate as attractive. It contributes to the reclamation of what it means to be hot: whatever that means or looks like to you.


Katherine Chang, Wellness Staff Writer

Katherine Chang is The Everygirl’s Wellness Staff Writer with over five years of experience in the health and wellness space. She navigates the latest wellness topics and trends through expert interviews and studies, and she’s always first in line to try them firsthand.