
119 total results
Developing fine and gross motor skills
Developing fine and gross motor skills

How one school responded to local census data highlighting a need to support early childhood development in the area of physical health and wellbeing.

Teaching methods: Phonics FAQs
Teaching methods: Phonics FAQs

A recent large-scale study explored the benefits of a synthetic phonics program. Here, Dr Jennifer Buckingham addresses seven frequently asked questions about the teaching method.

Teaching reading with synthetic phonics
Teaching reading with synthetic phonics

Teaching reading through a synthetic phonics programme has long-term benefits for children from poorer backgrounds, a large-scale study has found.

Early childhood development - the gender gaps
Early childhood development - the gender gaps

A recent census highlights a continuing gender disparity when it comes to school readiness, with more boys than girls considered 'developmentally vulnerable'.

Getting all children off to a good start
Getting all children off to a good start

One of the biggest challenges we face in improving quality and equity in our schools is to better address the learning needs of the many children who, on entry to school, are at risk of being locked into trajectories of long-term low achievement, writes Professor Geoff Masters AO.

Teacher expectations and morale – the impact on student achievement
Teacher expectations and morale – the impact on student achievement

Teacher expectations and morale have a role to play in tackling low student performance.

Teacher's bookshelf: Helping underperforming students
Teacher's bookshelf: Helping underperforming students

STEM specialist teacher Britt Gow reviews a book that provides research-based strategies for helping underperforming students.

The ‘long tail' of underachievement
The ‘long tail' of underachievement

One of the biggest challenges educators face is to find better ways to meet the learning needs of the many students who fall behind in our schools, fail to meet year-level expectations (often year after year) and, as a consequence, become increasingly disengaged, writes Professor Geoff Masters AO.

From evidence to action – it's time to join the dots
From evidence to action – it's time to join the dots

A new research report says it's time to 'join the dots' and scale up successful examples of flexible learning systems to meet the 21st Century education needs of all Australian school students.

Catching up struggling readers
Catching up struggling readers

A pilot study has helped struggling youngsters in Australia, with participating students achieving an average reading age gain of 15 months in six months.