In the final instalment of his six-part series, Mal Lee discusses the impact of digital technology on student learning.
Stealth assessments woven 'invisibly' into digital gaming environments have the power to offer continual learning support to students, while reducing test anxiety and cramming.
Last month, Teacher reported on a study published about the link between school mobile phone bans and student achievement. As a follow-up, Roger Broadie and Mal Lee challenge the findings.
Voice recordings made by teachers are being used to give feedback on their lesson delivery in an effort to promote effective classroom practice.
Dr James Lester discusses the future of artificial intelligence in the education sector and touches on how new technology can support personalised learning.
Banning mobile phones from schools boosts student performance in high stakes tests, according to a study published by the London School of Economics (LSE).
Researchers are exploring how an artificially-intelligent robot can help children improve their handwriting skills, by placing the youngsters in the role of teacher.
Mal Lee explains why BYOT is one of the critical phases in the digital evolution, transformation and enhancement of schooling.
Selena Woodward from Flinders University explains how using social media to create networks and connect with peers has influenced her practice.
Melbourne educator, Mel Cashen discusses a unit which fuses inquiry based learning with gaming.
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