Educator insights

34 total results
Book review: Indigenous knowledges
Book review: Indigenous knowledges

Nilesh Banerjee, a casual relief teacher and a volunteer at Prescott College in Prospect, South Australia, has penned a review of Indigenous knowledges: Proceedings of the Water Sustainability and Wild Fire Mitigation symposia, 2012 and 2013. Here he also shares how it’s impacted his work with students and motivated him to give back to his community.

Book review: The Dictionary of Lost Words
Book review: The Dictionary of Lost Words

Jeanette Denham, a passionate secondary and primary teacher who works part-time at Ravensthorpe District High School in Western Australia, has penned a review of Pip Williams’ new book, The Dictionary of Lost Words.

Educator insights: Nathan Curnow
Educator insights: Nathan Curnow

‘If it is not visible and valued, it is easy for it to become neglected.’ Nathan Curnow, Head of Science at John Curtin College of the Arts in Western Australia, shares insights into how he cares for his mental health and wellbeing.

Recipe: Banana oat pancakes with chocolate chips
Recipe: Banana oat pancakes with chocolate chips

Maths and Science teacher Hayley Grey uses the image sharing social platform Pinterest to inspire a lot of the work she does at school. She has a ‘board’ for everything from Biology to Problem Solving. In today’s article, she shares a recipe for banana oat pancakes with chocolate chips that was inspired by her time on Pinterest.

My morning walks with my furry friend
My morning walks with my furry friend

Kerrilee Beaumont’s morning walks initially started as just exercise for the dog when she rescued her from a shelter several years ago, but have become an integral part of her everyday life. Here, she shares what she gains from getting out of bed early in the morning and embedding walking into her routine.

Book review: Bill Bailey’s Remarkable Guide to Happiness
Book review: Bill Bailey’s Remarkable Guide to Happiness

Charlotte Forwood, Director of Learning Design and Development at Camberwell Girls Grammar School in Victoria has penned a review of British comedian, musician, actor and presenter Bill Bailey’s latest book, Bill Bailey’s Remarkable Guide to Happiness.

Three ways I sustain my health
Three ways I sustain my health

After receiving a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Kim Brady spent the next six years focusing on her recovery and has been able to return to full-time teaching. In her own words, Kim shares how she overcame her challenges and learned what it takes to be a well person, and a well teacher.

Educator insights: Share your wellbeing story
Educator insights: Share your wellbeing story

Since we launched Wellbeing by Teacher late last year, we’ve had lots of readers express interest in contributing to the magazine. To help you get started, we’ve put together this handy guide on how to get your submission published.

Why I’ve been riding to work for 15 years
Why I’ve been riding to work for 15 years

Tim Campbell, a Mathematics Learning Specialist at Antonio Park Primary School in Victoria, shares some of the reasons why he’s been riding his bike to work for the past 15 years, and tips on how to find the best bike paths to avoid riding alongside cars.

Book review: Behind the Scenes at the Museum
Book review: Behind the Scenes at the Museum

Libby Renton, a Year 6 teacher, Upper Primary Coordinator and Integrated Studies Coordinator at Presbyterian Ladies’ College in Melbourne has penned a review of British novelist, Kate Atkinson’s Behind the Scenes at the Museum.