Earlier this year we invited you to take part in our first annual survey, to share how you're using Teacher content and tell us about the topics you'd like to see covered in the future.
We were overwhelmed by the number of readers who submitted feedback and suggestions, and took the time to recount their own professional learning stories.
Here's an overview of some of the most popular topics highlighted by readers. The editorial team has already followed up on some of your suggestions (click on the links to view recent related content), and we'll keep coming back to them in the months ahead.
Suggestions for future topics
Strategies to challenge students according to their individual needs was a popular theme - this included setting tasks for high achievers, supporting students with disabilities in mainstream settings, intervention programs for disengaged boys, and tips for teaching multi-age classes.
The impact of learning space design was another hot topic, with collaborative learning areas, flexible spaces, international school design and technology integration all on readers' wish lists for future Teacher content. (Stay tuned, we'll be focusing on learning spaces throughout November).
Drilling down into specific subject areas, you also want to see more about STEM learning, PE and sport, coding in the classroom, and the arts.
In the area of wellbeing, your suggestions included a series on teacher welfare, strategies to motivate and engage students, and behaviour management tips.
Finally, assessment and reporting - from effective use of student data and how to incorporate assessment into your curriculum planning, to effective feedback in the classroom and reporting student progress to parents.
How you're using Teacher content
Hundreds of you got in touch to let us know how you've been using Teacher content, individually and at a whole school level.
Many of you, like this primary principal, are using articles as conversation starters with colleagues in the staffroom: 'The articles have formed part of our staff meeting professional learning sessions. I choose one per meeting, circulate it, then we discuss it.'
Other educators got in touch to share how they've begun to explore different topic areas and changed their practice after listening to a Teacher podcast or reading about a new piece of research.
'Your article on growth mindset put me onto Carol Dweck. It is has totally changed the way I teach!', one secondary educator wrote.
Another teacher got in touch to let us know she's now exploring flipped learning in her primary years classroom as a result of our Teaching Methods podcast.
Thanks also to the pre-service teachers who wrote to tell us how they're using the articles to support their practice on teaching placements, and as a source of information for university assessments.
Share your suggestions
We'll be running the survey again next year, but you don't have to wait until then to have your say - you can email the editorial team (teacher@acer.edu.au) at any time with suggestions and feedback.